Cucumis - Serviciu gratuit de traducere pe web
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Rezultate 1 - 15 din aproximativ 15
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Engleză How do I find a pen-pal? You can make a post...
How do I find a pen-pal?
You can make a post about yourself in the appropriate forum, or you can search existing posts. If you find a pen-pal, and you trust them, you can send them a personal message with your email/instant messaging address in it. DO NOT give out your email in a post or in a reply to a post. Language-Exchange accepts no responsibility for the consequences of you giving your email address to someone in a personal message.
What are online classes?
Online classes are live classes which take place in a chatroom. They are led by a 'teacher', who is fluent in the language. They enable members to ask questions while learning.
How do I sign up for online classes?
A list of the online classes available can be seen in the "Online Classes" forum. To sign up for one of these classes simply reply to the post. You will receive a password by email within 24 hours of replying. The password can be used to access the 'classroom' at the scheduled time of the class.
How do I become a 'teacher'?
To become a teacher, please fill out the form on our homepage 'here'.
What is a translator?
If you would like to contribute to the site, but do not havcew enough free time to be a teacher, you can sign up to be a translator. This means you will be emailed occasionally and asked to translate something for the site.
Pen-pal in the sense an online pen-pal if that makes any difference.

Traduceri completate
Franceză Comment puis-je trouver un correspondant ? Vous pouvez poster un message...
Spaniolă ¿Cómo encuentro un correspondiente?
Germană Wie finde ich eine Brieffreundschaft? Sie können einen Artikel...
Limba sursă
Engleză Homepage for website
Welcome to Language-Exchange...

The aim of our site is to provide you with a good language-learning experience. The concept behind our site is that the more time you put in, the more you will get out. By this system of everyone contributing and everyone gaining, we hope to keep Language-Exchange's services completely free for everybody!

Some of the services we hope to get up and running soon are:

1. Notes - These are just to help you get the basics in the language you are learning.

2. Pen-pals - If you already have a basic knowledge of the language, you can practise by finding an online pen-pal, and practising with him/her by email or instant messaging. As both pen-pals practise their second language, both will benefit.

3. Online classes - We hope to eventually have scheduled online classes which people can sign up for (free of course). Teachers will post notes and members can ask questions.

You can go to the forum (where all these amazing things are happening) by clicking here.

Remember, you can help us get more members by recommending us to family and friends!

We are always looking for people to help!

If you would like to contribute as a teacher or translator, please fill out the form below.

This form is only for people who would like to become staff members. To register only as a member please go to our forum. You must be registered on our forum before you can register as a staff member.
This is just for a language-learning website. Please help :)

Traduceri completate
Spaniolă Página de inicio
Italiană Homepage di un sito web
Germană Hauptseite für Website
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Engleză If you speak English and are learning another...
French Speakers
If you speak French and are learning another language, post here.
This is 'post' as in post a reply on a forum, not as in post mail.
NOTE: Please change 'French' to 'German' when translating to German, and to 'Spanish' when translating to Spanish etc. both times the word 'French' occurs.

Traduceri completate
Franceză Si vous êtes francophone ...
Spaniolă Si ustedes hablan español...
Germană Deutsch Sprechende
Italiană italiano
Limba sursă
Engleză Welcome to Language-Exchange... The aim of our...
Welcome to Language-Exchange...

The aim of our site is to provide you with a good language-learning experience. The concept behind our site is that the more time you put in, the more you will get out. By this system of everyone contributing and everyone gaining, we hope to keep Language-Exchange's services completely free for everybody!

Some of the services we hope to get up and running soon are:

1. Notes - These are just to help you get the basics in the language you are learning.

2. Pen-pals - If you already have a basic knowledge of the language, you can practise by finding an online pen-pal, and practising with him/her by email or instant messaging. As both pen-pals practise their second language, both will benefit.

3. Online classes - We hope to eventually have scheduled online classes which people can sign up for (free of course). Teachers will post notes and members can ask questions.

4. Translations - If you would just like someone to do a translation for you, and you have been a contributing member for long enough, you can get permission to post it in the forum.

You can go to the forum (where all these amazing things are happening) by clicking "here".

Remember, you can help us get more members by recommending us to family and friends!

We are always looking for people to help!

If you would like to contribute as a teacher or translator, please fill out the form below.

This form is only for people who would like to become staff members. To register only as a member please go to our forum. You must be registered on our forum before you can register as a staff member.

Traduceri completate
Franceză Bienvenue sur le site de Language-Exchange...